To the member of SGMI:
As editor in chief of the openAccess journal “GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie” ( which is the official German journal of GMDS, I would like to invite the Swiss colleagues to contribute in a special issue on e-medication in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Would you please forward the attached Call for Papers to the SGMI members? Thanks for your support. To be honest, our journal has no impact factor and is not listed at pubmed – so far. Hence I assume that publishing there is mainly interesting for those wanting to write in German. But if you think it would be valuable for others as well I can deliver an English translation of the CfP.
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Alfred Winter
Universität Leipzig KöR, Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie, D-04107 Leipzig
Month: November 2016
MEDINFO 2017, 21st – 25th August 2017 in Xiamen, China
MedInfo2017 Submission deadline: 1st December 2016.
The 16th World Congress on Health and Medical Informatics (MEDINFO-2017) will be held in Xiamen, China, 21st-25th August 2017. MEDINFO is the premier international health and biomedical informatics event; it has travelled across 6 continents and 13 countries worldwide since 1974. MEDINFO-2017 will be hosted by CMIA (Chinese Medical Informatics Association) on behalf of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). It will be an historical event as 2017 marks IMIA’s 50th anniversary.
Under the theme: “Precision Healthcare through Informatics”, the world leaders in this field will gather in China to share knowledge and analyze how Digital Health and Biomedical Informatics address some of the most challenging problems in health care, public health, consumer health, and biomedical research.
We invite researchers, clinicians, technologists and managers to contribute and share experiences on the use of information methods, systems and technologies to improve quality and safety of care, enhance care outcomes, promote patient-centered care, facilitate translational research, enable precision medicine, and improve education and skills in health informatics.
Key dates
Opening of online submission system: 1st July 2016
Opening of MEDINFO 2017 Registrations 1st September 2016
Deadline for Full Paper, Student Paper, Vision Paper and Poster submissions: 1st December 2016
Deadline for Panel, Tutorial, Workshop and Demo submissions: 5th January 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 16th March 2017
Deadline for final version of submissions 13th April 2017
Early Bird Registration closes – 17th April 2017
MEDINFO 2017: 21st – 25th August 2017
For further details, please visit
Swiss eHealth Forum 2017 / Elektronisches Patientendossier
9. März 2017 «Das EPDG – eine Auftragsanalyse für die Akteure»
10. März 2017 «Das EPDG- die konkrete Umsetzung»
Das Swiss eHealth Forum 2017 findet in der BERNEXPO statt, im Rahmen der InfoSocietyDays 2017
Am Vormittag finden Plenumsveranstaltungen statt. Solution-Präsentationen bieten am Nachmittag vertiefte Behandlung der Leitthemen.
10% Ticket Discount für unsere Mitglieder mit Verwendung des RabattCodes: SGMI-PCc9-10%
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Tour de Suisse Event, Basel, 30.11.2016
Die nächste Etappe / Prochaine étappe Tour de Suisse SGMI-SSIM-SSMI
Mittwoch 30.11.16 von 13-17:30 Uhr
im Universitätsspital Basel im kleinen Hörsaal des ZLF
à l’hôpital universitaire de Bâle, petit auditoire du ZLF.
Organisation PD Dr. med. B. Hug
Eintritt gratis für unsere Mitglieder / manifestations sans frais pour les membres